Barack Obama: 99 Problems But Hilary Ain’t One

Barack Obama vs. Hilary Clinton

And did you hear? Former owner of BET Bob Johnson is riding for Hilary! And not only that he is bashing Obama like a house negro. In South Carolina Johnson remarked,

I am frankly, insulted that the Obama campaign would imply that we are so stupid that we would think Hillary and Bill Clinton who have been deeply and emotionally involved in black issues when Barack Obama was doing something in the neighborhood—that I won’t say what he was doing, but he said it in his book—when they have been involved.


Wow going straight for Obama’s drug use, we’ve never seen this before *sarcasm*. Man which teen hasn’t done drugs? If you didn’t do drugs as a teen there’s something wrong with you. But anyway, Obama got over the drugs like most teens and went on to graduate from Harvard Law School. Yes, Harvard. That Harvard. As Smokey would say, “Why you gotta keep bringing up old sh*t?”

Anyway, the campaign attacks have become even more superficial [sidebar: remember my post about Politics Of The Surface] as during Obama’s victory speach in Iowa he played Jay-Z’s 99 Problems. Apparently, some people took it the wrong way as they felt the tag line, “I Got 99 Problems But a B*tch Ain’t One” was aimed at Hilary.

First hahaha, that’s hilarious and I have to give props if he did intentionally do that. But secondly, that song sucks and if anything shows Obama’s poor taste in theme music. Jay’s discography is huge he could have picked from a number of hits like “Big Pimpin” (I kid) or imagine he played “You Don’t Know”. Ah man, I would have died -that would have solidified my “hip hop” vote [sidebar: I love how we make up the “hip hop” vote].

But just when you think the election cannot get anymore superficial, it does. Next we’ll be attacking Obama for using relaxer. Who are we kidding? Black man for president? I hope, but let’s get real. Blacks make up 12% of the country, we would have a better chance of having a Latino as president (they make up almost 20%). On the real, white folk run this rap sh*t.

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